Montag, 4. April 2011

[public-lod2] Get involved: OKCon 2011

Dear all,

As you know, we're busily preparing the schedule for this year's OKCon, which is going to be in Berlin on the 31st June and 1st July. We're really excited about this year's event - so much has happened in the last 12 months! We're really hoping you guys will be up for having a meet-up scheduled in, so you can get together face-to-face and chat about the amazing work that you've been doing over the past year and how we can push forward with the next one. Are there times/days which are better or worse for people?

Also, it would be *fantastic* to have presentations, workshops, discussions or lightening talks from people on this list - there's so much activity in the field, it would be great to get a bit of a taster of all your work.

I've attached a short PDF version of the Call for Participation, and if you haven't already seen it you can check out the full version at

The submissions form is at

Looking forward to meeting lots of you in Berlin!

Also registration is open at: registration:

All the best,